Products consist of liquid or solid formulations and contain pyrethroids and/or other active ingredients categories. Manufacturing processes, consolidated over the years, allow the production of high quality insecticides, effective for the uses they are intended for, and guarantee the compliance of the production chain from raw materials to finished products, and safety of workers.
Heterogeneous continuous water phase containing pesticide dispersed in an organic phase
An emulsion obtained dispersing of a liquid or low melting active ingredient in a liquid continuous phase, generally water.
Droplets have a characteristic few micrometres sizes, generally between 0.5 and 2 μm.
Emulsions are thermodynamically not stable but can be kinetically stable if well formulated, by means of thickening agents.
Water continuous phase, instead of organic solvent for ECs, grants of lower phytotoxicity, no flashpoint concern, ease of handling, and a lower environmental impact.
The emulsion has already been established in the formulation and is only diluted further in the spray mixture.
Lower phytotoxicity, eco-toxicity
Higher flash point
Compatibility with flowables
Spontaneous emulsification upon dilution
Use expensive solvents
Crystallisation problems